Friday, April 11, 2008

So Glad That Wasn't MY Child

It's been a while since we've had a nice, warm sunny day, so we decided to visit the zoo, along with a million other people who also had the same idea. We went with our dear friends, the Goff Family and it was a much needed outdoor activity for Aiden's friend Hyrum, who sadly broke his leg a few weeks ago. :(

While we were walking along a sidewalk there was a huge group of people crowded around the edge of the sidewalk, so of course we had to get in on the action and see what was going on.

What was going on, was a peacock had his feathers in full spread and was just standing there, strutting his stuff, letting everyone enjoy the magnificance of his spendor.

Aiden ran right up to get a good look, so of course I had to follow right behind hoping to snap the perfect picture. I didin't get the picture I was hoping for, but while standing there, from somewhere behind me this huge stick came flying out of nowhere and hit the peacock right in the gut.

I was close enough to hear it make contact with the peacock. And then, remember that huge group of people who were watching? Yes, they were all still watching and in unison I heard a huge gasp. "Ohhhh!"

And then a moment of silence.

Unbelief that someone would chuck a big stick at such a beautiful creature.

And then this mom yells out from the crowd, "Connor, did you do THAT?.....Did he just do that?" And within a second I see this Mother dart out of the crowd and take her child and have a little teaching moment.

"We love the peacocks. We don't ever throw anything....the peacock is our friend..."

Two things about this funny little story.

1. Isn't is such a relief when someone else's child does somehting naughty? I think we all get our fair share of embarassing naughty plights with our children. I was just so happy that it wasn't my turn today!

2. And if it was my child who threw the stick...I'm not so sure I would have yelled out in front of ALL those people, "Connor, was that you!?" and draw attention to me..but then again, I had sympathy for her. I've been in her shoes before and I'm sure my next turn isn't too far away.

I am so grateful for Aiden; I love being his Mom. He's developing such a cute personality and a little tender heart. While in Home Depot today he wanted to pick out some flowers for his primary teacher. He caught the eye of many as he marched through the store, carrying his pot of flowers. I was touched by the his sweetness and thoughfulness for his primary teacher whom he so much adores.

1 comment:

Corey said...

I'm glad you posted our zoo experience. It was fun and I agree the peacock incidence was embarrassing for me too even though I wasn't the kids mother.