Thursday, June 19, 2008

8 "Little White Tornado" Facts

I was tagged a few weeks ago and am finally having a moment to write a few things down. So here it goes....eight random things about myself.

1. When I was little, my nickname was The Little White Tornado. Apparently, I had a lot of energy and used it to run from one room to the next making all kinds of messes. The "white" part comes in because I had that tow head blond hair...except for summertime, when it had a greenish tint from the chlorine at the swimming pool. Yuck!

2. Someday I would love to learn how to do Riverdance. I love everything about this style of dance - the costumes, the music, the sound their shoes make all in unison, the straight lines the legs make in the dance moves. I wonder if I could get Thomas to be my partner and take lessons with me. Ha ha! Here, check it out:

This video is excellent, but it's a high-res video so it takes a minute or two to download. The little bit of extra time is definitely worthwhile.

3. I really would love to have my own business. I've been thinking of something I could do that would allow me to use my creative talents and abilities and have the potential for a great product that would be in high demand. I've got a few ideas in mind....

4. Someday, I would love to volunteer at the Church Office Building for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Salt Lake City and work there as a VIP Host, welcoming and escorting dignitaries around the church property and local area.

5. I love music. All kinds of music. I love to have the music blasting when I'm cleaning my house and when I turn on "Pump It" by Black Eyed Peas early in the morning I really get moving.

6. I just checked my frequent flyer miles statement and was totally blown away that I have accumulated over 70,000 miles! That's enough for almost three round trip tickets anywhere in the US. Wahoo!!

7. Don't ask me why I did this....but when I was in the 3rd Grade I CHOSE to stay home from a trip to California and Disneyland with my family because I DID NOT want to be absent from school and miss out on learning how to write in CURSIVE. Of course, cursive writing is highly overrated....I wish I would have known that back then!

And the final random thing you may not know about me is....

8. Many years ago, President Hinckley and his sweet wife, Marjorie were staying at my Grandpa & Grandma Dyreng's home. President Hinckley was there on assignment for a Stake Conference and my Grandpa was the Stake President at the time. My Grandma invited the family up to her house for dinner after the Sunday meetings, and well, the first thing I did when I arrived at Grandma's house was run into her room and into the bathroom to put on make up. (This was my normal routine.) So I went marching in through the bedroom door and there to my astonishment was Sister Hinckley, standing there in her slip...Oops. Guess I should have knocked, but how was I supposed to know!?! I guess that was part of that "Little White Tornado" syndrome I suffered from back then.

And in case you're wondering....Sister Hinckley was very forgiving. :)


Corey said...

How fun! Well you've inspired me to get on the ball and write about what I've been tagged about. Kind of a similar thing except I only have to think of 6 I just gotta start thinking.

Too cute about Sister Hinckley!

Lisita said...

Fun read - loved the stories and learning things about you that I didn't know! :)

Chelle! said...

You are amazing!! I am glad that I am friends with the "Little White Tornado"!!! You are great!!! How fun to be in the presence of President and Sister Hinckley.

Melissa said...

Cute stories! Not very many people can say they have met Sis Hinckley let alone see her in her skivvies. LOL

Danielle said...

Hmm...I too have a somewhat secret love of the Black Eyed Peas...

Gretchie Love said...

Girl as Chelle said it..YOU ARE AMAZING ! Can't wait to see you in August :)