The missionaries invited Dr. Tom and I to accompany them in teaching an investigator tonight, and this meant that we needed to find someone to watch Aiden while we were doing this. I called to see if Aiden could go over to play with his best bud Jordan.
When I told him he was going over to Jordan's house this evening he was really quite excited. He wanted to go over right then. It was only about 10:30 in the morning and I told him he would need to a wait a while, because we were taking him to Jordan's at 6 o'clock.
A few hours later I just happened to walk through the living room and catch Aiden in action. He had taken the clock and changed the time (one of the hands were pointing to the six.)
He then said, "I changed the clock to six. Now it's time to go to Jordan's house!"
Truthfully, I don't know if I should be amazed at the intelligence this little three year old has, or be a little freaked out that we have a little schemer on our hands.
P.S. Today was a beautiful day. Sunny, oh the glorious sun was abundant today. I think I appreciate it so much more because I know those days are going to be scarce pretty soon. We also enjoyed a beautiful walk along the ship canal this morning, and, THE BYU is ranked #7. Saweet.
You better watch out with a little mischievious one like that. I think I wouldnt be able to help but feel proud that he's that clever.
It just gets better...Dallin figured out in kindergarten if he walked by the garbage can on the way into the house, he could throw his homework away and just tell me he didn't have any!! Not kidding, it took me a few days to figure that one out!!! :) These little people are SUPER smart!
I talk about doing that at work all the time. Hilarious!
Watch out world for Aiden! What a funny, smart kid.
It's crazy how fast these little guys catch on! I feel like ever since Hyrumm started pre-school he's been learning things on superspeed too. I think it also hleps that they are around so many others now and have more "teachers" in their midst. They certainly are little sponges!
Oooo... he's a quick one. Brighton hasn't figured that one out. Probably because my clock has glass over it, so it would be really hard to get to the hands! To cute though!
Ps. I am having a contest on my blog, you should go check it out!
He's definately a smarty pants!! That is too funny...the story sounds a little familiar, like mom's brothers and christmas, right?
What a cutie. Yeah, I'd be on my guard!
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