Sunday, October 5, 2008

My Job

When Aiden has to go potty at our house it's like announcing it over a loud speaker. No matter where he is or what he's doing, and no matter where I am or what I'm doing he manages to run through the house yelling, "Mommy, I need to go potty!"

And he does this, running around and yelling this until he finds me, and I stop what I'm doing and follow him into the bathroom. If I don't follow him he dances around in front of me until I obey his command.

This is something we are, for obvious reasons, trying to work on. The funny thing is that he is just fine and completely independent when he is at another house or at preschool. It's just potty time at home that for some reason, requires personal attention.

So today, after he called out his warning and made the request for me to follow him into the bathroom I walked into the bathroom with him and said, "Aiden, you're such a big boy. You go potty all by yourself at preschool. I don't understand why you need me here when you go potty....why do you need me here?"

And, here's his classic reply...and imagine a very independent, confident three year old telling you this.

"Mom. Your job is to... Wipe. My. Poop."

So there you have it. I'm glad I've been upgraded to Pooper Scooper. I feel so fortunate to add this to my list of duties.


Rhett and Tiffanie Jackson said...

LOL!!! The phrase at our house is..."MOM come wipe my bumm!!!"
Kids are great!!!! Wait 'til he does it his self and uses a 1/2 a roll a tp in the process!!! Later

Jen said...

hahah! On the bright side, you're not changing diapers anymore right! Too funny

Ankle Fixer said...

Hee Hee!! What a funny kid.

peterson said...

At least he is not trying to wipe himself and getting it everywhere!!

Melissa said...

I melissa was Justin last night. I didn't realize I was signed into his account when I commented! Just in case you were wondering! LOL

Corey said...

Hyrum does the exact same thing! Jeff says he needs to announce it to everyone since we gave him so much praise at first for going potty that he's seeking that same attention and reassurance. I'm an official "BUM-WIPER" as well. What joy! I guess things could be worse and they could be still having accidents in their underware. I'm certainly glad we are past that!