Saturday, March 29, 2008

"Do It ALL Myself!"

Aiden is growing up and we get a kick out of how he views the world around him. In case you don't have a three year old living in your house, here's what it's like from a three year old's perspective...


Why of course you can do it all by yourself. You're such a big boy now! Aiden brushes his teeth, puts his shoes on, gets his own drink of water, (and recently has remembered to shut the refrigerator door when he's done) say his prayers, put movies into the DVD player, use the mouse on the computer and click on something, spell his name, and recognize the letters of the alphabet.

Yep, our little guy is growing up. Now if we could just get him to go potty. That's the next anticipated event at our house.


Lisita said...

I'm so thrilled you are blogging again. Loved seeing the pictures and hearing an update. Keep them coming!!

Chelle! said...

Those pictures are absolutely adorable. He is getting so big!!! I, too, am glad you are back to blogging.

katrina berg said...

he's grown soo much! so nice to see some recent pics. best of luck with potty training. something no one told me is that when they are...their pants no longer fit! :) luvs!

Sarah said...

He's getting so big! It's fun to see and hear what you guys have been up to. Good luck with potty training. Kennedy is starting to take interest too, but I don't think I'M ready. I'm stilling having nightmares from Taylor