Thursday, April 10, 2008

Update on the Brothers

I've been thinking about my cute,patriotic brothers today.

And can't believe they only have about one more month in Iraq. In some ways the past year has drug on, but in other ways it's flown by and I can't believe they are going to be home soon. It doesn't seem like that long ago when I made a picture movie of their training in Texas...and now it will soon be time to put together a movie of them coming home! Yay!!

Every day when I look at their pictures I am so overwhelmed with gratitude that they have been kept safe and that they have been able to serve together. I'm thakful for their in little "pods" out in the middle of the desert. Eating military food. They live in a big compound completely powered by generators. Jake said a big sand storm blew in a few weeks ago and at 2 in the afternoon it was so dark they had to turn on the big lights. Can you just imagine that? Me and Grandma Delma would hate living there; we'd probably have to dust the furnitue daily with sandstorms like that. And then I think about super scripture women like Sariah....traveling in the wilderness for years. You know she saw her share of dust storms too. Gotta respect the great women of the scriptures....makes my complaining about not having a dishwasher miniscule. But anyway, back to the brothers. Amid their small living quarters and not-so-ideal situation they obviously seem to make the best of the situation...

They guard a prison compound, and for obvious security reasons there aren't a lot of details we know. But one thing Jake has shared with us is that the children and wives of the detainees come to visit their fathers/husbands, and as they leave, the Soldiers greet the children and pass out little gifts and surprises. (By the way, Jake, what is up with the mustache!)

Thanks to good people back here in the USA, they have boxes and boxes of things to pass out to the children and wives. Recently, we sent a box of socks, stickers, necklaces and coloring books...and I hope they brighten up the day of a small child who doesn't have the influence of a father at home (even if he is a bad guy).

Jake and Travis, thank you for all that you're doing. Can't wait to have you back home soon.


Corey said...

So they are serving at the same compound? I guess I didn't realize that before. How cool! It's going to be great for you to have them home and safe again. Are you planning a big reunion? I'm sure it'll be a special day for all!

Nona said...

Kristin: I also can't believe that they are already coming home. I am so excited for your family and their cute little wives and fiance'. Love your blog. I could not remember your blog address so I haven't checked it lately. I have added it to my favs now though. Any ideas for primary would be greatly appreciated. Miss you guys!!

Melissa said...

I am so happy they will be home soon! Love your blog!!