Tuesday, September 9, 2008

First Day

Aiden came bounding down the stairs this morning. His instructions were clear:

"No time for breakfast today. I need to quickly get dressed so I can go to Preschool."

Our little guy was so excited to go to school this morning he could hardly concentrate on anything else. Since he's a little shy I was hopeful there wouldn't be any tears when it was time to part.

But tears were not on the agenda today, thank goodness!
It was so fun to see his excitement and energy as we bounced out the door. He would hardly sit still for a few pictures, trying to get away and go stand by the car.
When we arrived at the school there was a woman standing in the garden nearby. Aiden looked at her and yelled with complete excitement,

"Today's my FIRST day!"

With a big smile on his face we walked into the Preschool. And he was completely at ease and so anxious to go in and start playing with the other children. I was immediately at ease, knowing we made the right decision and that it'll be worth every darn penny. (Preschool isn't cheap up here. Let's just say choose between preschool and a car payment...and we're going to one of the cheaper schools around. Unbelievable.)

When I went back to pick him up, he didn't want to come home. I'd say his FIRST day was a huge success!


alison said...

Oh he's such a cutie!!! What did you do with yourself while he was at preschool? As for Maggie and preschool, she completely surprised me by throwing a fit on the 3rd day of going. I had to pull her out of the car kicking and screaming. She stayed there, oh yes she did, but it wasn't easy.

Rhett and Tiffanie Jackson said...

happy first day for mom!!! And for Aiden...The first day and the last day are favorites for my 4! Have a great day...use your 'free' time wisely..lol

mom2jjk said...

Go Aiden! He looks so cute and grown up. Have I said lately that I miss you guys?

peterson said...

I'm glad that Aiden had a good time. Hunter has loved going to preschool also. Isn't it nice to have a few hours of quiet??

Corey said...

Aiden you are such a handsome little boy! Way to go on your 1st Day of PreSchool! Hyrum starts classes next Monday and is super excited too. He's been talking about it everyday and each time he sees a school bus he thinks it's going to take him to school. I think he'll be a little dissappointed though when we have to drive in our own car. I went to his orientation tonight and his school seems like a perfect fit for him as well. So I guess it was good that we didn't do Joy School, I just hope Alice found something for Jordan. But if that boy still isn't potty-trained she doesn't have much choice anyway. Here's hoping every other day this year is as exciting as the first!