Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Today Aiden said he needed a snack.

He went into the kitchen and came back with the canister of sugar. This is what happened next:

Aiden: Mom, I'm just going to eat this yummy sugar, okay?

Mom: No, let's not eat sugar. Let's go find another snack for you.

Aiden: Wait, Mom! Hear about this...How about if I have some sugar and you have some sugar and we both have sugar. Then it's a GREAT idea for a snack!

Aiden, how sweet you are.


mom2jjk said...

You should have grabbed the camera! Then if he was in his skivies at the same time he and Care Bear could be twins! Silly boy!

Chelle! said...

Oh, what a sweet little boy. That story is so cute!!

katrina berg said...

i luv this pic!

alison said...

I can't believe you won't let your son have pure sugar as a snack. What are you trying to teach him to eat healthy?
Cute story!
BTW, my friend from New York called me the other day and asked how I knew you. After I told her she told me she likes reading your blog.

Corey said...

Sugar high anyone?! I was making cookies with Hyrum on Sunday and he was all about helping me out. He wanted to taste them every step of the way after I added each new ingredient to see how the flavor had changed. Most of the time his hand was just in the white and brown sugar jars though. It was funny though when I started adding the flour he got really excited and wanted to try that as well. He thought it was great! Ick! I'm with Aiden, I much prefer SUGA!