Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Blogging Hiatus

Hello Blogging Friends and Non Blogging Friends who read this blog.

After an almost two week hiatus I can almost start blogging again, and boy do I have some stories to tell!

Several months ago I was called to be a Gospel Doctrine teacher (at our church). This has been a calling that has caused me to stretch a bit, but I am grateful for the experience. Anyway, this next lesson is based off some chapters in Isaiah so I've been using my free time in the evenings during the past two weeks to get educated on all kinds of things like Gentiles, roots and branches, lengthening cords and strengthening stakes, the House of Israel, etc, etc. My studying hasn't left any time for blogging.

So, I am looking forward to sharing some great stories and events with you real soon, and catching up on what's been happening in your lives too!
Until then, here's something to make you smile.


Rhett and Tiffanie Jackson said...

cute comic....Part of me is SOOO ready for this to be over, the other part of me is WAAAAAY scared about it being over!!! AGH!!! Hope you guys are doing great!

alison said...

You should have said no to the calling. If the Bishop asked why you say "I have a blog"

Nona said...

Cute comic. Good luck with the new calling. I am sure that you will do great. You always give everything you do 110% and it turns out amazing!

Sarah said...

I had that calling about 2 years ago and I absolutely loved it! I was scared at first that I was going to be teaching something I wasn't "all knowing" about, but I studied my tail off for those lessons! I learned more in that year than the rest of my life...awesome.

peterson said...

I was getting worried that something was wrong because you haven't posted anything for a while. I'm glad to hear that you are just busy with your calling. You are a lot better than I ever would be, cause I wouldn't do that calling ever. It would scare me to death!

Robyn said...

LOL! That is a great comic! Good luck with your calling, I know you'll do great!

Melissa said...

Happy to see you are still here in blogland! Love the cartoon. LOL