Dear Aiden,
Tonight you fell asleep with a dirty face and you dozed off so quickly I didn't even get to sit in our reading chair and read stories with you.
I wanted to be able to tell you a few things I didn't get to tell you before bedtime tonight.
Today, you were as good as a little boy can be.
You listened. You obeyed. You were a great helper all day. You ate everything on your plate at dinnertime. You were a good friend.
And before we ended the day I wanted to tell you how much I love you and how much I appreciated you being such a good boy today. But alas, you feel asleep much too soon for that.
So sweet, sleeping Aiden...know that you made my day. I'm so glad you're mine.
That was so sweet. Yesterday Luke fell asleep at Caleb's soccer game and stayed asleep all night! He must have been a little sleep deprived. I relate to your post. Thanks for sharing.
What a cute picture. Spencer does that to me all the time. Love these precious times. I hope it continues as they get older
Sleeping early must be in the air tonight. Hyrum did the same thing. He fell asleep in his stroller while I was waiting for Jeff to pick us up from the ferry. Poor guy! He's been asleep since 7:45pm and hasn't made a peep! How nice! I'm sure he'll be surprised though when he wakes up to see he has regular clothes on instead of his jammies. Oh well, we can always take morning baths!
What a sweet little sleeping angel. I'm glad to hear he was angelic even when awake too!
What a beautiful letter to your little man. Tell Aiden he can come to our house anytime he wants!
I can't believe how big Aiden is! What a cutie. I love that he still loves trains, what a crack up. Are you guys living in Seattle? I want to get together!
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