Saturday, September 6, 2008

Oh It Was Sweet...

It was a family affair at Husky Stadium on Saturday morning. Yes, we were all there. Thomas had been counting the days down for weeks. He taught Aiden the Cougar Fight Song and had Aiden ready to shout out the Rah Rah Rah's on cue.

So Saturday was a big day for the Bore Family.

I've always been a BYU fan. I'm not a true blue fan like Thomas, but consider the Y my team. And I've been to a lot of games, but when they ran out onto the field I can not express the excitement I felt. I was surprised at how excited I was.

So I guess that's what happens when you live in Seattle for a few years and don't go to any football games and suddenly find yourself sitting among a whole bunch of Mormons, which inspired a notes and observations.

1. When we lived in Utah we had season tickets. We sat in a group of THE strangest people. The fans behind us were always making fun of the fans in front of us. The fans in front would always turn around and glare at the rude fans behind us. Would someone please explain to me why Mormons make fun of other Mormons? It was nice to sit in between people who were friendly with each other.

2. No Popcorn Popping on the Apricot Tree. Instead the band played "Smells Like Teen Spirit" and "Tequila." (UDub had a really great band.)

3. No opening prayer. Only at BYU...

4. I love the Wasatch Mountains, but who can argue with the view at Husky Stadium. Looking out over Lake Washington on a sunny day. It was PERFECT for football.

5. No matter where you go, there's always a Cougar fan with too much enthusiasm who designates himself as the "yell leader" and gets the cheers going. I crack up when I see this. (and I'm not making fun of another Mormon here. I just get a kick out of it :)

It was a great game. And what made it even better was, my team won.

Go Cougs!


alison said...

WOW, you were in the heat of the controversy!!! I wonder if Tom would have rather heard the bias Fox News announcers on the tv. Probably not. Oh, isn't this sad that I know all about the game and didn't even watch it?

peterson said...

Thats great that you guys got to go. I can only imagine how excited your husband was. I bet he was going nuts at the end of that game!

Chelle! said...

I am jealous that you got to go--but, I guess, you deserve it since you are so far from home. I loved the picture of the staduim with the water in the background--that is way too cool!

Lisita said...

CAn't beleive we didn't see you as we were in that area too! Do you remember the annoying UW fans in the BYU section. That was us!