Thursday, November 20, 2008

Fairy Godmother

To many, this time of year is all about Turkey Bowls, falling leaves, and at our house, birthday celebrations and BCS rankings.

But for me personally, well, I always think about my prom dress.

I'm sure you're wondering why this is the case, since proms are always in the spring. Yes, that is true. But for me, I bought my prom dress the week before Thanksgiving. And I loved that dress, oh yes I did.

Now, before you all get on your high horse about how it's totally lame that small town Utah folk buy big, poofy prom dresses in November (before they even have a date, mind you!) let me add a little bit of evidence to defend myself. You have to understand where I'm coming from.

I grew up in a little town, and one of the most prominent businesses on Main was Lila Lee's. A boutique dress shop with an entire basement full of gowns and formals. I'm talking wall-to-wall sparkles, poofs and ruffles.

When I was a little girl LilaLee herself would give me a call in November and let me know that all of the dresses had arrived. So I'd hop on my blue Schwinn bike with the daisy-banana seat and white wicker basket and peddle myself right to the store.

And she was always waiting for me, greeting me with, "Hey kid! How are you today?"

I'd first stop by the cash register and check out all of the earrings hanging on the little racks. Oh, how I wanted to wear those long, dangling earrings. But Mom said I was too young to wear them.

And then, I'd follow LilaLee down the stairs and into what felt like my own little princess closet. She'd turn on the lights just right and then walk me around from rack to rack, showing me all of the new formals and dresses that had just arrived for the upcoming prom season.

So naturally, when it was my Prom, I didn't know any different; I'd been going down to the store every November since I was in the second grade. So to buy my prom dress in November was, well...normal.

The funny thing about the dress I chose is that before I started trying on dresses I already had my mind made up that I was NOT, under any circumstance, going to buy a big, poofy dress with ruffles. Nope. No way. No how. I wanted something red or royal blue, and was hoping for the latest mermaid style. I'd even put my order with Lila over the summer so she could be on the look-out while she was at market.

There were a few red and blues on the racks that I tried on. They were okay, just okay. And then Lila pulled out a pale, aqua dress with the most delicate crystal bead work on the front. I frowned and reminded her again I didn't want a dress with ruffles. Especially this one with poofy sleeves too. But she said, "Oh, what's the harm. You've been looking at dresses your whole life. Just give it a try." So I marched back to the corner dressing room and put on the dress.

And when I stepped up onto the platform and looked in the mirrors, I'm telling you, it was magical. I was sold. I loved that dress. I loved it, I just loved it! And the decision was made.

Years passed by, and I still found myself going to the store again and again to watch my sisters and cousins pick out the perfect prom dress. And even after I graduated from school, every now and then I'd stop in and Lila would take me downstairs to see the latest fashions.

Unfortunately, this year she was forced to close the store. If this car hadn't been in my way, I could have taken a better picture and you'd be able to see the sad sign in her window that says, "Thank You For Your Business."
A gasoline leak at a gas station up the road contaminated the surrounding soil, and the fumes ruined all of her inventory.

A sad day for a phenomenal little-town business that truly is a prom dress institution.

When I'm home for Christmas I hope to make one last stop at the store and take a few pictures with LilaLee.

After all, she is a big part of my Thanksgiving memories and the wise very own fairy godmother... who knew which dress was the perfect one for me.


JaKe and NaT* said...

how freakin cute is that!! i so wish i had your writing skills. what an awesome memory!! and you do look so beautiful in it i might add!!

Jamie Ortega said...

That is the coolest memory ever!!! I bet you felt like a princess. That is so sad that she is going out of business.

Unknown said...

Yes, I did witness the Gunnison prom phenomenon. Matt took me to the Gunnison prom when I was a junior and he was a senior, and I felt I had left Utah and stepped into fairy land. You must have only be somebody if you had a lila lee dress! No, I was probably just jealous...that is a wonderful memory. How cool to feel like a princess.

Tara H said...

THE BEST story and THE BEST DRESSES- you all look like princesses! just beautiful, I love it.

Aaron and Meg said...

It's fun how styles change and you can look at a picture and guess the approximate year. I bet all the girls were jealous that you had the biggest puffs. "I like your puff sleeves" (Napoleon Dynamite)

Melissa said...

What a neat memory. I love how you share parts of your past on here. I get to know you so much better and it is fun!

Rhett and Tiffanie Jackson said...

Hey! What are you doing still up? We just made it home from the BYU is Dr. Tom? Not a good day for blue. Anyway...I got my dress from Lila's 1989! To wierd that I ended up living here a! About the Twilight books...that is what I am afraid of .... my house will go UNDER it is already on it's way with my whole scrapbooking/blogging addiction! :) LOL I think I will borrow the first one and take to Thanksgiving break with me. We will see. (Rhett says no..heehee)

peterson said...

I loved the story!! And I was always so jealous of your dress when I was younger. How fun!!

Corey said...

What a cool story! Love the fab dresses! I can't say that I ever embraced the poofs and ruffles myself, but you gals definately pulled it off. What a galmorous day it must have been!

Jennie said...

I still remember how proud you were of your took any chance you could get to go and try it for anyone that was the least bit interested, you took them to Lila Lee's to show them your dress! (By the way, I loved tagging along!) I remember you anticipating the day you actually got to bring the dress home so much, that I thought you would for sure wear it or at least try it on everyday!What a fun memory.

Anonymous said...

Kristyn, checked out your blog today! You are so wonderful! I almost cry everytime I drive by Lila Lee's. You need to come back and reopen it. By the way, love the new glasses.

katrina berg said...

you did look absolutely gorgeous in that dress, i remember the first time i saw you try it on...and i remember your banana bike as well. emily is should reopen it one day :) luvs!

Jen said...

Love the picture! What a great story and memory.

Jackie Schugk said...

Oh my gosh.. what an incredible story... I drive past Lilas store daily and just wished I had a little girl to put in one of those incredible dresses..and I wish she was still open... I too had a pink frilly lacey dress from Lila that I swear she would hand pick per person... I think it is awesome that you have such a neat story and memory and one you will never ever forget.. you should come back and run that store.. I remember when Lila Lee found out Richard and I had a baby and she called and wanted me to bring him up and let her see him.. Lila Lee is such a sweet lady and always had everybody in her thoughts and her heart.. you have a great story here..